My new rats!

Posted on July 15th, 2007 in by Cassi

Ronnie and I went and picked up Pixel and Pica today. They’re soo cute! And so small! I have to keep them in a big plastic bin for now, until they’re big enough to live in their normal cage. Right now they can fit through the bars - I think the bars are 3/4″ to 1″ apart.

Here are the pictures:





All of these were taken in their little travel carrier before I came home. Unfortunately, I can’t take pictures here at home because I can’t find the charger to my camera battery. But anyways, Pica is the Blue one, and Pixel is the brown/white one. Not sure on the “technical” name for his markings. His hood looks like a really light tan color, much lighter than these pictures make it look.

Well, there they are. More updates tomorrow after they get all settled in.

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